Developing an app? Building a community garden? Advocating for a cause you're passionate about? Yup, there's a badge for that! Complete badges on your own, with your troop or through council resources like the event calendar or Community Partner opportunities. You can also explore badge resources from GSUSA below.
Badges are to be worn on the front of the sash or vest.
Patch programs are a great way to explore a wide variety of topics and community resources. Through patch programs, girls are able to connect to their communities on a whole new level! Girls will be able to develop new relationships with local organizations and learn all about what their communities can offer. Click on the title of each patch program below to download the requirements.
Have you completed a GSCP2P Patch Program?
Use this form to request patches (patch requests will take up to two weeks) for a specific program, as well as give your feedback. Your opinions will help us plan and enhance future programming.
Patches earned through a patch program are to be worn on the back of the sash or vest.
Is your organization interested in creating a patch program for Girl Scouts? E-mail for more information!