Any publicly visible materials that use the Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont, logo, fonts or any other branding must follow Girl Scouts of the USA brand guidelines AND be approved by the GSCP2P marketing team. To reach our marketing team, please
Referencing Our Name
The words "Scout", "Scouts" and "scouting" should never appear without the modifier "Girl," and each word should be capitalized.
- Our colors are Black, White and Green (#00b451 or R0 G181 B81 or PMS 354)
- Girl Scouts and green go together. To ensure that we continue to claim the color and to solidify our identity, embrace green. Be sure to include at least a bit of green in every piece you produce.
- Use the colors in our Color Palette to add some fun to your designs.
Girls, troops, volunteers, etc. are encouraged to use the Palatino font and its variations for any design materials created. The Palatino font is the most closely matched font to the official Girl Scout font.
Choosing photos to use for your piece is extremely important. Remember to focus on moments that matter, we want the world to see and feel for themselves all of the amazing things our girls are doing and showcase the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
Need a photo release form for your girls? Click here for a fillable version.
Questions about branding? E-mail us